As we leave the ranch, I will miss these two little boogers.

They will be 6 months older when I see them again. They will have changed so much!!
The AC Saga Continues…..
We left Dripping Springs on 6/3 due to some anticipated weather, but we only moved down the street. We officially left DS on 6/5 and headed to Victoria where I got picked up to join my AHS girlfriends for our annual trip. When we got to Victoria, Bob had the RV Docs come out to get the AC going. As I got ready to leave, all I could hear was ‘hmmm, not sure I can fix that’, ‘you have the wrong board in it’, ‘I will try’….. I was getting pretty upset and just about ready to cry. I left without knowing if it was going to be fixed or not.
I didn’t get 20 miles down the road when he texted saying ‘it’s fixed, and cool’. I couldn’t believe it. The RV Docs happen to have a new board that would work with the thermostat, so they installed that one. I kept texting asking if it was still cool, and so far so good.
Since it was working and cooling off the coach, Bob started relaxing on the couch. He had just filled up his cup with scalding hot water for coffee when he dozed off. As he fell asleep, his yeti cup was in his lap and fell over. It tipped over spilling between him and the couch. He woke up stunned and confused jumping off the couch in pain. A large portion of his right butt cheek has a first degree burn. He should have gone to the emergency room. Of course he doesn’t tell me this till I get home from the coast.
Thursday the AC ran well most of the day, however, the living room AC started doing what it was doing in the first place, it would start out cold, then flip to the heat pump and blow hot air. Now, Bob is a very patient man who was losing his cool. The RV Doc guys gave him the board they pulled out and it wasn’t a new compatible board that he thought he paid for. He had a lengthy conversation with PPL in Houston (where we bought the new AC and paid to have the new board installed), and after arguing with them that they didn’t put the new board in, PPL said they would put him first in line to get it fixed if he brings it to Houston. That was a 2 hour drive by himself on a burned butt cheek, but it had to be done.
He ended up leaving Friday afternoon, spent the night on the PPL lot, and got it in first thing Saturday morning. It took about 4 hours and then he was back on the road all fixed, but what a drive it was. Coming home, the Garmen took him to 59 north, instead of 59 south. Since I do all the navigating, it took him about 30 miles to realize what was happening, and when he did, he turned around to head south. He had to drive back through Houston traffic and in that traffic a woman in front of him slams on her breaks and Bob slams on his to avoid her. He missed her but as a result of slamming on his breaks, everything flew forward, and I mean everything. Everything in the cabinets were rearranged.
Turns out, PPL DIDN’T install the new board, as they said, but we certainly paid for it, the RV Docs installed a used board that failed (instead of a new one, as he said), so everyone lied to us. This experience has been the worst of all our maintenance items on any of our RV’s. Being in HOT and HUMID weather didn’t help and made for some very cranky people. Keep your fingers crossed it continues to work.

We stayed at the Gateway Gulf RV Park. It’s a clean, quiet and accommodating park; however, I can only recommend it for a one, or two, nights stay. We stayed several nights among many residents, and it felt more like a mobile home park, than an RV park.
The grounds were nice enough and clean, but we wouldn’t stay there again unless it was for an overnight stay. The laundry room was nice and not busy.
This morning we loaded up and headed on down the road. We had an uneventful trip until….
We’re still learning….

It was confusing how to get into our new RV park. They had very poor signage so Bob missed the turn. He ended up in a dirt lot next door with no way to get out. This is our worst nightmare. We determined that we had to disconnect the car first, however, it wasn’t straight with the coach and we didn’t have a lot of room. We got one side of the connector out but couldn’t get the other side out. I thought we had enough room in front to move up so we could straighten the car out, but I have to go through the whole routine of getting the car ready to tow so we can move it up a couple of inches. If I didn’t do that, we could have ruined our transmission. Once done with that, Bob crept up slowly, straightened the car out and we were able get the other side off. Then we both drove around the corner to the new RV park. We are still learning about flat towing behind the RV, but lesson learned for sure.

We pulled into a lovely long pull thru with a little shade. We didn’t have shade in our last RV park so we were happy to see some. The weather already feels lighter. It shouldn’t get out of the 70’s tomorrow.

This is our new home for the next couple of nights. It is very small, but only $25/night with full hook ups. I was a little concerned of the condition it would be in due to the price, but we are very pleased. We hope to explore Nacogdoches a bit tomorrow.